Reflection from Lk 9, 51-62
After Peter recognising Jesus as Christ,
that is Messiah of God, Jesus invited all twelve ones to follow him in his
surrender so that they can get eternal life. Jesus realised that they needed to
know more about the meaning of his messianic activity and to understand well
his proposals. For that he used the moment of travelling to Jerusalem to teach
them rightly. Many things happened during this travel and everything was
opportunity for teaching especially about the right way of acting when the
person is rejected. The travel to Jerusalem is not a physical travel only, but
it is especially spiritual. In the beginning of the gospel it is said that
“when the days drew near for Jesus to be received up...” So, this is travel to
heaven (event of ascension). The city of Jerusalem is known as “City of God”,
the city of Jewish’s religion. Although Jesus knows that this city is place of
killing prophets, as sign of resistance to the appeals of God, however he wants
to go there in order the will of God should be fulfilled.
In order to reach the city of Jerusalem it
was necessary to pass through the region of Samaria. So, Jesus sent some
disciples whom would advance him in Samaria in order to prepare for him a place
to rest because the long travel. The disciples had the habit of thinking and
acting differently of their master Jesus. That is the reason of their bad
reaction when were prevented to pass through that place and desired God would
destroy that region completely. In that travel to Jerusalem Jesus was leading
his disciples in the way of reconciliation and peace. For that didn’t agree
with their proposal and proposed to go another village, that is, another way.
To follow Jesus is not very easy. In the passage before this text, we reflect
about three main requirements to follow Jesus faithfully, such as, “To renounce
oneself, to carry the daily cross and to follow Jesus.” In the text of today
the requirements continue in the same direction, but now they are as advice.
Jesus doesn’t want to cheat or deceive the disciples with promises without
meaning or foundation. Jesus is very clear in his proposals. He respects the
freedom of the people, however presents conditions for the ones who want to
follow him. Otherwise they will not get following him with faithfulness.
The disciples wanted to act in individual
way, that is, without discernment and reflection (sign of the absence of Christ
in their hearts). They were faithful more to the human tendency to
vengeance/revenge than to the way which is pleasing to Christ. The invitation
of Jesus to go to another place is confirmation that it is necessary to respect
the freedom of the people. To follow Jesus is to live and to act in different
way. The person cannot look back in order to be guided according to the passed
reality, denying the new identity which is result of the meeting with Christ.
In the process of following Christ the person becomes servant of the Kingdom of
God. In this process, the requirements don’t come from the person, but they
come from Jesus. To look back might be dangerous to the journey because in this
journey the more important is not what we leave behind but what we’ll receive
ahead because the decision of following Jesus. Without self renounce and
detachment the person cannot follow Jesus and getting eternal life.
Jesus doesn’t
force the freedom on his disciples, but establishes conditions in order they
can follow him truly. “As disciples, we Christians can be lacking in patience
and despise the people of other Churches, religions and faith. Like the Jews
and Samaritans, the Christians of Africa from different tribes can have great
hate or resentment among them, amount of participation in tribe fights. But
this is not the direction of Jesus.” From the example of Jesus, whom is called
also the one who has no violence, the unique way to overcome the violence is to
answer with gestures of peace. Jesus wants that our attitudes may overcome the
tendency of the society to vengeance, violence and tribalism. Tribalism
destroys the brotherhood, denying our identity of Christians. Jesus invites us
to understand that evil cannot remove the evil but only kindness can do that.
May this Eucharistic celebration help us to love like Jesus and through this
love we may build the society which is expected by God.
Fr Ndega
Review: Sarah
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