domingo, 28 de junho de 2015


Wis 1: 13-15; 2: 23-24; 2Cor 8: 7.9.13-15; Mk 5: 21-43

      The liturgy of this day speaks that, according to the plan of love of God, we were created for life. Through Jesus Christ, he generates and promotes the life among the people. We experience the death when we stop to love, showing resistance against the God’s plans.

      The first reading from the book of Wisdom speaks that God is the God of life. He created all and conducts everything with wisdom and kindness. He didn’t create death and everything he does is for the good of his sons and daughters so that they have abundant life. It was plan of God to create the human beings likewise himself and entrust to them the care of everything that exists. God gave them the grace of immortality, manifesting all his joy and satisfaction with this special work of his hands. The existence of the death doesn’t make part of the plan of God, doesn’t come from him. It was introduced into the world by the devil, because his envy and resistance to the God’s will. He is adversary of God and only those who have decided to serve the evil one, making opposition to God, will experience the death.

       Before the necessity of the Christians in the church of Jerusalem, St Paul asks for help to other Christian communities, which respond promptly. In this text we have the good example of the community of Corinth. St Paul recognises and praises the gifts of this community, especially the gifts of faith and the generous service. Through this characteristics they imitate the generosity and emptiness of Christ who, although was rich, made himself poor to make the people rich through his poverty. It is invitation to share with others the good received, performing in concrete way the unity of the Body of Christ.

     The disciples accepted the challenge to cross the lake again even after the terrible experience of the storm. But now, with the awareness about the presence and power of Jesus, they have strong reasons to cross the lake and to assume the consequences of living with Jesus in “another side”, that is, to think, to feel and to act differently. The finality of the mission of Jesus is to promote the life among the people. He does it with all strength of his love. Like this it happened through the two miracles presented in the gospel today. Jesus gives new life to the woman who suffered severe haemorrhage for twelve years, and brings back to life the daughter of Jairus. In these two miracles it was very important the attitude of faith of this two people which was recognised by Jesus and put as fundamental criterion in order to allow the action of God who wants to save and to give new life.

       Many people were around Jesus, but only the woman touched him with faith. For that he asked, “Who touched my clothes?” This question makes us to reflect about our identity as Christians, who live near the Lord, participating of the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, but without faith or little faith. This situation prevents us to reach the transformation which we need for our life. It is the similar what happens with the people of Nazareth, where Jesus couldn’t do miracle because their lack of faith. The daughter of Jairo is symbol of our life which needs to be motivated, be revived. The faith of Jairus is the faith of our community, which must be vigilant in order to recognise Jesus and allow him to share his vitality with us. He knows that without his action in our life we can do nothing. May he revive our little faith in order we proclaim with enthusiasm the joy of his resurrection and our participation with him. May our participation in each Eucharist be expression of the vitality of our union with him.

Fr Ndega

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