quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2015


Dt 4: 32-34, 39-40; Rom 8: 14-17; Mt 28: 16-20

      We are celebrating the solemnity of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Trinity is the mystery of God in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the divine and perfect community. The Holy Trinity is communion of love because God is love. The love is the nature of God. So, “God is Trinity because is love”. God wanted to be community in order to share his love and his life. He is unique but does not live alone because wanted to be communion. All creation is extension of his being and his mystery. All are called to be expression of his love and goodness. Let us praise God is his of communion of love, Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy...

       When we say “In the name of the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit”, we are speaking about the unique and the same God, whom is present here and in everywhere. He is very far but in the same time is very close to us. It is not a mystery to be understood but to be welcomed. Some history can help us in this process: One day St Augustine was walking along the beach, questioning himself about the mystery of the Holy Trinity, “How is it possible God to be One and Three in the same time?” Suddenly, he observed a small boy whom made a hole in the sand and ran up to the sea, took a little water, walked back and put in the hole. After having observed this game of the boy for many times, Augustine resolved to ask him the reason of that game. The boy answered: “I’m trying to put all that water of the see inside of this hole”. Astonished, Augustine exclaimed: “But it is impossible!”. Then, the boy answered: “It is easier for me to put all that water in this small hole than you to get understanding about the mystery of the Holy Trinity with your intelligence”. After that the boy disappeared and St Augustine said to himself: “Maybe that boy would be an angel.”

        This history prepares us to welcome the message of the readings of this day. The First reading is invitation to the recognition of the greatness and power of God. He uses his power and strength to do marvellous deeds for the life of his people, his own. Before the fidelity and care of God the people are invited to follow his guidelines, because they are expression of his love and condition to preserve the life. The message of the Second reading is part of the spirituality developed for St John Calabria. According to this reading, the Father of Jesus is also our Father. He has given his Holy Spirit to us so that we may live as children. The action of his Spirit in us confirms that we are his children and that we can call God our Father in total freedom. If we are children we are also heirs with Jesus of the same divine gifts, that is, participation in the same life of God. This participation is possible for us through the baptism. When we are baptised we became living temple of God, dwelling of the Holy Trinity. Like it happened with the first disciples, Jesus shares this authority with us, making us partakers in the mystery of his relationship with the Father and sends us as messengers of this good news.

       The centrality of the message Jesus entrusted to us is that he is one unique reality with his Father and his Holy Spirit. They are together and act together in total cooperation. This relationship is not closed in itself but is an invitation to the participation. A human family was born from this mystery and our communities must follow this model in order to be effective presence in the society. When we love one another we express the vitality of the Holy Trinity. When we live relation of intimacy with Jesus, we are close to the Father and the Holy Spirit in the same way. Our experience of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist is a Trinity Experience. God serves us, He is close to us, is within us, unites us with himself and unites us among ourselves. It is the mystery of his communion in which we are involved as partakers in his life. For that let praise Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit...

Fr Ndega

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Maravilhoso pensar em Deus de uma forma tão autentica e seu amor por nós de forma verdadeira e amo mesmo tempo simples e tão sublime. Palavras profundas e um significado de grande sabedoria. Parabéns pelas belas postagens.