domingo, 19 de maio de 2013


A reflection from Jn 17, 20-26 

        Jesus prays for his disciples who do not belong to the world, but they are in the world and should continue his work. Jesus did not take them away from the world, but he is present in their lives with the same love with which the Father has loved. Asking God to keep them, Jesus acts as the mother who cares for the little children(Ildo Perondi). In his prayer, Jesus bursts into feelings of warmth and satisfaction for those whom the Father gave to him and for which he has had a watchful care. The unity between them cheers the heart of the Master and motivates the faith of others people. The desire of Jesus is that this unit should be cultivated and maintained as it happens in the Trinity without interests or restrictions. Only then, this unity will be truly full and perfect. Without this unity the faith is impaired and meaningless. But it is important not to confuse unity with uniformity, because while uniformity eliminates the differences the unity gives value and grows with the differences.
       Those who decided to follow Jesus Christ are called to conform their lives to the way of being and living of Jesus himself. For that, everything that the Son received from the Father he shared with his disciples, especially his Word and the joy that felt by fidelity to the plan of the Father. The same difficulties experienced by the Master will be repeated in the lives of the disciples, because there are forces in the world contrary to the realization of God's plan. That’s why the expressionworld” appears in John’s gospel in a negative sense. Jesus shared with his disciples also the same Spirit which accompanied him on his mission so that this strength of above might encourage them and be the guarantee of success in the mission entrusted to them. In short, they must testify in fidelity to what they experienced so that the world may believe.
       Built upon the foundation of the apostles we received as inheritance that which was shared by Christ. On praying for the apostles Jesus thought also in us who are called by ourselves to be his followers and in the middle of many limitations, we are carrier of a great treasure. It is a treasure in earthen vessels that should be kept and shared in fidelity to help others grow in their faith. The opposite winds to faith and fidelity require that we support one another so that we may be always motivated on the journey. The prayerful testimony of Jesus reminds us one of the constant appeals of St. John Calabria: “First of everything look one another as brothers and as such, you should love one another, helping in reciprocity, especially in the spiritual life.” Surely here it is a successful path in the realization of unity as willed by Christ and the most effective testimony that we are in the world, but we belong to Christ.

Pe. Degaaxé
Revision: Brother Cipriano

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