sábado, 9 de março de 2013


Uma reflexão a partir de Lucas 11, 14-23

       This passage of the Gospel talks about the existence of forces opposed to God's plan, paralyzing people and preventing them from exercising fully their capabilities. Before these forces, Jesus imposes authority and acts as Liberator. His presence among humans inaugurates a new time: the time of God's salvation.
        The salvation, center of Jesus' message, identifies itself with the announcement of the kingdom of God, because, according to K. Rahner, Jesus does not announce himself but the kingdom. In Jesus himself, the kingdom of God becomes a concrete reality; something in the world is changing: the sick are healed, the dumb speak, the blind see, the poor are evangelized and sinners find God's forgiveness. Jesus' intention in announcing the kingdom, is precisely to remove the shackles that prevent the human being for relating himself well with God and with others. According to the thought of theologian W. Kasper, the realization of the definitive kingdom will happen when the love for God and the love for neighbor is lived to its fullest.
        There are those who recognize in the gestures liberators of Christ the salvific action of God and allow themselves to be transformed, but there are also those who close themselves in their old structures (mentality) and they are not able to realize the good that is happening around them. The resistances against Jesus is opposition to the realization of the kingdom. In this case, we act as adversaries of God, unable to follow faithfully the footsteps of his Son that, on proclaim the good news of the kingdom, asks for free membership and total of each person. For us, the search of this kingdom should be a priority, because on it lay the sense of our life and mission.
        Jesus entrusted to us His kingdom and we trust our lives to him. It is a mutual trust. By identifying with those who follow him, he continuous opposing to any force or mentality that undermines people's lives, that is, through our actions, the gestures liberators of Christ still happening in the lives of many people. He uses us as his tool to continue announcing the gratuity of the kingdom, inviting others people to join forces with him in discipleship ever more generous and authentic. Although he can do it alone, he wanted us because he knows that we need him very much, "Without me you can do nothing" (John 15: 5).
Pe. Degaaxé
Revisão do inglês: Brother Cipriano


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