domingo, 24 de janeiro de 2016


Reflection from Lk 1, 1-4: 4,14-21

The first part of the gospel speaks that the good news of Jesus generated many witnesses. Our faith is result of the experience, that is, experience which we have received from the people who advanced us and the experience of personal searching, personal meeting with the Lord. The life of the ones who advanced us continues witnessing that without experience our faith in Christ is weak, deprived of meaning. The evangelist Luke addresses his gospel to some person called Theofilo, because it was habit in the First century. Theofilo was prominent person in the pagan society whom became a Christian because the preaching of the apostles. Theofilo means “beloved of God”. Like that is the result of our experience of the Word of God, that is, it makes us also beloved of God. The second part of the gospel is about the experience of Jesus in his hometown, place where he was brought up. He went there led by the Holy Spirit and proclaimed the Word of God with enthusiasm as his own project of life to a people whom were waiting for the revelation of the Messiah with fervour/passion.

Jesus chose a liturgical moment to proclaim the priority of his mission. Feels himself anointed and sent by the Holy Spirit to proclaim good news to the poor and liberation to the oppressed; he is able to recover their hope and give them back their joy of living. This reality is reason of identity for Jesus and part of the plan of love and salvation of his Father. The priority of Jesus is the priority of God. So, we can imagine the great joy Jesus felt internally because of this way of God acting. God loves each person and wants to reach all with his love. But there are some ones whom need special care, because they are rejected by the society. God requests  our attention concerning this reality.

In Jesus, it starts a time of grace and salvation. Jesus is the Saviour whom came to set free all human beings who lost their freedom because the sin. The liberation which Jesus proclaims goes beyond the spiritual reality caused by the sin. He wants to reach the whole society which has mentality against the plan of God revealed by Jesus. Like it happens in another passage, this revelation of Jesus is part of the announcement of the Kingdom of God which brings a proposal of changing. All of us together with the society should think better about the direction which we are giving to the life. Jesus wants to build a new humanity and society. He can do it alone but prefers to involve us in order we have the same sensitivity he has and we should have the same priority of his mission. The strength of the Word of Jesus comes from the Holy Spirit. The same Spirit who led Jesus in his mission wants to lead us also in order we may be able to perform new relationship with the poor people and other rejected among us. The revelation of Jesus is motivation for us in order we should make the difference in the life of many people. May his grace help us to be instrument of goodness and special care for those who are in need.

Fr Ndega

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