domingo, 19 de julho de 2015


Am 7: 12-15; Aph 1: 3-14; Mk 6: 7-13

     The prophet Amos was chosen by God to prophesy in the difficult reality of the people of Israel (north Kingdom): the social inequality, the injustice against the poor people and the use of the religion according to the personal interests of the king. Besides the temple of Jerusalem (south Kingdom) existed also the temple of Bethel, in time of the king Jeroboam II. When Amos started his mission in that place, he met the priest of Bethel’s temple, Amaziah, who made opposition against his prophecy. Amaziah is the kind of person who is paid to maintain the structure of the temple and justify the unjust system of the king. Before the mistreatment received Amos revealed the reason and the motivation of his vocation. His mission of prophet doesn’t depend on payment, but it is a free divine initiative and it is invitation to gratuity.

     The second reading is a hymn of thanksgiving to God who has blessed us in Christ since the world began. Because his love we are his sons and daughters. Through the mission of Jesus Christ we were freed from our sins in order we develop our vocation to holiness. This vocation makes part of a plan of wisdom and kindness of our God, who in Christ has chosen us to be his own people. The Spirit of God helps us to live faithfully our vocation and grant to us the fulfilment of his promises. According to second Vatican council the holiness is universal vocation. All of us are called to this vocation. And according to St John Calabria, we don’t need to do extraordinary things in order to be holy. We can reach the holiness through the ordinary things in our daily life. It is enough that our intentions to do anything may be holy.    

     After having been rejected in his hometown, Jesus continued his mission in the villages round there where he was most welcomed. He could perform his mission alone, but didn’t want. For that he called twelve apostles as collaborators. Before sending them in mission, he proposed to them an intense experience of life, taught them with the authority received from the Father, shared with them his sensitivity in relating to the reality of sorrow and suffering of the people; before them he acted with authority against evil forces which paralyse the people, preventing them to participate integrally in the society. Finally, he gave general instructions to them, especially about the necessity of simple lifestyle and sent them two by two.

    The initiative of the calling comes from Jesus. He didn’t search for powerful or influential people in the society. He chose simple people, workers and very sensible to the newness of God revealed by his Son. The contents of the instructions given by Jesus follow a direction totally different of the human mentality. In order to have success in their mission the apostles had to overcome some human tends which are very present in our life:  against the tend to act individually, we are called to act together and to help one another in community for the good of the community; against the tend to dominate, Jesus proposes to us his authority in order to serve the people; against the tend to have possessions, Jesus proposes the renunciation, the detachment; against the tend to impose, our announcement is a proposal, proposal of conversion, of liberation, of change of life. We must respect the freedom of the people.

     The mission shared by Jesus with his apostles is curried on actually for all of us, his new followers. It is fundamental the openness to the divine inspiration in order we have motivation to assume the simple lifestyle proposed by Jesus, with the same courage and conviction of Amos, even when find opposition against our initiatives. The expectation of Jesus is that the proposal of conversion which we announce to others may be expression of the transformation that we have experienced through the meeting with his mercy. May the gratuity and generosity be the constant characteristics of our mission so that through us may God grant abundant life to all.

Fr Ndega

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