sábado, 13 de setembro de 2014


A reflection from Luke 4,16-30

Jesus shares with his hometown friends his life’s plan. He chose a liturgical moment to reveal solemnly the priority of his mission. He declare to be guided by the Holy Spirit to proclaim good news to the poor and liberation to those who are oppressed, reviving his hope and returning to them the joy of living.
Jesus lives the joy and the enthusiasm of being chosen to reveal the plan of love and salvation of his Father. God loves everybody and want to reach to everyone with his love. However, he has some preferred people who need special care, because are rejected by society.
Jesus as salvation of God, is fulfilment of the Scripture, but in his sharing is rejected for those who say they know the Scriptures. Maybe they were habituated to accept only what is convenient to them, adapting the Word of God to his way of living, without good disposition to live the appeals and requirements which come from this Word.
Like the people from Nazareth, we also have resisted to the Word of Jesus which questions about the quality of our daily welcome and it requires major commitment with the reality of others, especially the poor people. We cannot think that the information we have received about Jesus is enough for our journey. It is necessary to allow that he reveals himself to us with all power of his love.  Let us welcome this revelation of Jesus today as invitation we think better about our priorities and sense of solidarity with others.

Fr. Ndega

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