domingo, 28 de abril de 2013


A reflection from John 13: 16-20

          The whole life of Jesus was a constant emptying of himself (kenosis), taking the form of a servant, because he came to serve and not to be served. So should act everyone who wishes to follow him. Let us recall what he says to the two sons of Zebedee who sought position of outstanding in the group: ... It won’t be so among you.To Peter, who tried to prevent him from performing the messianism of the Servant of Yahweh, he says: “Get thee away from me ...The whole teaching of Jesus is an invitation to think and act differently. It is a logic that contradicts the mentality of his time: to be the last in order to be first, to lose the life in order to win it, die in order to live. Thus, in the new community that is born, the relationships become humanizing, because nobody pursues its own interests, but the good of all. Hence it is understood that the Christian community is to serve life and not to maintain privileges. The Master himself becomes the Server.
The Church is all ministerial because it is born from the mission of the Son of God who became a servant of love. If the Church loses service feature it will cease to be the Church of Jesus Christ. Because of some historical circumstances, this feature was not always evident, causing loss of credibility. Recently, statements as of the Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana, has helped us to realize that we need to resume the initial path: All of us, before of the conclave, we agreed on two keys things: they should be restored to the Church's credibility and the relevance of the Church in the world.” After the election of the new pope, the African Cardinal explains: “We have a great task: to rebuild the credibility of the Church and perhaps a poor Church is able to do that.” Surprisingly, the pope Francis, talking about his role, said: “Power is to serve”, a service which means “to open our arms to all the people of God and embrace with affection and tenderness all mankind.” This is the Church which, as the Master, divests himself of the robe and takes the towel of the service. Here is the help that we have to give in a world marked by accumulation, competition and individualism.
If we are sent as servants for such task is because we gain the confidence of the Master which states: I know those who have chosen”. Jesus knows us deeply and calls us to follow him. He wants to rely on our help to spread his kingdom forever more. He identifies himself with those he sends in his own name because he willingly shares with us his kingdom. Thus, one who surrenders to the Lord to serve brothers and sisters is involved in the same communion who the Son establishes with the Father. May He grants us the grace to understand that the true greatness consists in the cheerful and generous service for the good of others, so that the Father who art in heaven may be glorified.

Pe. Degaaxé
Revision: Brother Cipriano

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