sábado, 6 de abril de 2013


A reflection from Luke 24, 35-48

Let us rejoice, brothers, because the Risen Lord lives among us!
The announcement of the resurrection of Jesus is an invitation to joy, joy of life that conquers death, joy of love that conquers sorrow. Jesus becomes partner in the ways of mankind, revitalizing hopes, making knowing on the experience of the sharing of the bread, of life, of brotherhood. The joy of the encounter with the Risen Lord infects the community experience, filling it with meaning. Here, the community experience and the experience of the resurrection are correlate themselves because the Risen Lord is present in the center of the community and seeks to act with patience before the slow process of understanding of his disciples. He shows the signs of his victory (hands and feet), giving reason to resume the path of the discipleship and witness.
The community gives support to a witness ever more authentic and vibrant about the encounter with the Lord, enabling full experience of sense to those who should be his witnesses. He is he who enlightens our understanding so that we can understand the Scriptures, finding in them a true sense of his presence among us. He passed by experience of the cross in solidarity with the crucified of all time. So, no one can claim to follow a Christ without a cross. One cannot claim to be a true disciple without embracing the cause which the Master embraced. The resurrection of Jesus renews all hope and proof that suffering, evil and death are not willed by God. God did not want the death of the Son, but accepted his gesture of love to take the cross, contrary to expectations: He turned misfortune into grace, making glittering life where there was only death.
The God of life calls us to live in community and He is present in our midst in order to be the center of our lives and makes us the instruments of his peace. Like the first disciples, we too are faced with situations that bring concerns and doubt. When we are willing to experience of personal encounter with the Risen Lord through the Eucharist and fraternal sharing, we are strengthened in faith and we help the faith of the community. This experience enables us to overcome the obstacles along the way, transforming us into witnesses of the love that generates life. The risen Christ lives among us! We need to reeducate our sensitivity to recognize him in various situations that involves our life. The more intense is the experience, the more contagious will be the testimony.

Pe. Degaaxé

Revisão: Brother Cipriano

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