domingo, 6 de setembro de 2015


Reflection from Isaiah 35:4-7; Jas 2:1-5; Mk 7: 31-37

     According to the First reading, the People of Israel were exiled in Babylon and the prophet Isaiah announced new time, a time of liberation and joy.  According to the prophet that People was like blind person whom lived in the darkness of Babylon and didn’t get to see the way to go back home; they were like paralysed person whom is not able to use the own legs to leave the place where he didn’t feel well; and they were like deaf and dumb person because closed the ear to the Word of God. However God will come to save them because these people belong to God and he loves them. This marvellous action which God will perform to the people of Israel will be assumed later by Jesus for all humanity because he is the salvation of God for all. In the Second reading James invites the Christians to overcome the tendency of discrimination in the community and to value the presence of each one more than his/her economic condition or capacities. The person values for what he/she is.
       In the Gospel the good actions of Jesus are recognized by the people, whom exclaimed with enthusiasm, “He has done well everything!” he even causes the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak!” The presence of Jesus brings new time to the world. In him the Kingdom of God became a concrete reality, inviting all to participate. When he announced his mission in the synagogue of Nazareth, place where he was brought up, he was rejected. But he was most welcomed in the side of Galilee, place called Ten Towns. According to Mathew’s version, Galilee is considered Land of Gentiles (non-Jews). The presence of Jesus made the people, whom were in the “darkness”, to see a great light. Although these people had different tongue and customs in relating to Jews of the Judea, they also expected the Messiah anxiously. We get to understand this reality because the Gospel of Mark was written for the Christians of Roma and the objective of this gospel is to answer to the question “Who is Jesus?”. The answer to this question we find in the last moment of the human life of Jesus on the cross from the mouth of the roman army officer: “This man was really the Son of God!” 
      As Son of God, the objective of Jesus is to announce the salvation of God not only for some people, but for all. Jesus was a Jews, but not property of the Jews. The signs used by Jesus revealed that the salvation of God is not a plan for the future time only, but it starts in the history and exists for all. When we speak about the “chosen people” we want to mean the plan of wisdom of God whom uses some people in order to reach others more easily. Like this, from the people of Israel, Jesus and his collaborators reached also the ones whom aren’t Jews, proclaiming the good news of the Gospel. That man brought to Jesus had two problems: he was deaf and dumb. He suffered a lot and many times lived isolated because wasn’t able to communicate himself with his neighbours what he thought and desired, and others couldn’t dialogue with him. He desired to meet Jesus and to experience new life in order to perform good relationship with others. Before performing the miracle, Jesus looks at heaven because it is God only whom makes possible to heal the deaf-mute person. 

      As followers of Jesus, we are motivated by his decision and gestures. Our mission is continuity of his mission and like him, we are invited to do well everything. The deaf and dumb person is sign of our difficulty to listen to the Word of God and to proclaim it with fidelity. But through us, even with our weaknesses, Jesus continues doing wonders in the life of many people. The gospel doesn’t have borders; in the same way must be the good actions of the Christians. We are invited to overcome obstacles which prevent us to welcome others and to be sensible to their needs. After the people sow the miracle of Jesus and proclaimed it without ceasing, in the same way we must proclaim the wonders of God in order the people experience new life.

Fr Ndega

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