sexta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2014


A reflection from Exodus 22, 21-27; 1Thes 1, 5-10; Matthew 22, 34-40

        According to the Scriptures, God has a particular relationship with the people of Israel. He establishes a covenant with this people giving some guidelines so that they may walk safely, preserving the life. It is in this context that the Commandments are born. Living the commandments has become essential in the journey of the people of Israel to whom the Law is God's Word and The Word of God is Low. When they state that “The law of the Lord is perfect, comfort for the soul”, they are referring to the Word. There is a deep correlation between Law and Word, because the commandments of the Law express the loving care of God who speaks pointing paths of liberation and then reveal also the true identity of a people who obey, cultivating the sense of belonging to their God. The obedience to the commandments is source of blessings that leads to life, while the disobedience to these leads to death.

       Around the principal Law, the Jews have put so many laws that gradually shifted the focus from what was essential. The initial Ten Commandments became 613. The poor people were considered sinners because they were not able memorize all these commandments and therefore they didn’t practice them. However, this part of the population knew and cultivated the essential of the Law. That is the answer of Jesus when he says: You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with your entire mind and with all your strengths(Deuteronomy 6: 4-5) and your neighbour as to yourself” (Lev. 19, 18). 

        Loving God is the first of all the commandments, but Jesus connected it with the love to the neighbour, showing that it is not possible to love God without loving the neighbour. James in his letter considers liar the one who says that loves God and doesn’t love the neighbour. From commandment of loving God flows the loving to the neighbour, as a result. The source is always God, because was he who first loved us. It is from the love that God has for us – in a free and generous way – that is possible to love others authentically. This is a challenge for all the cultures including those in Africa, where the loyalty to family and traditions is often grown as the first commandment.(African Bible, p. 1770)

        Jesus is the incarnation of the merciful love of God and his life surrendered for all shows that only through the love the human being can reach his personal achievement. Of course, that the belonging to a religion and the participation in the mass are expression of our love to God as priority in our life. However, in the end of our life the request to us will not be “which religion did you belong to?” or “how many times did you go to the mass?”, but the correct question will be, “how was your love for others?” The intensity of our love to God is expressed in the way how we love others. Truly love the person who only wishes the best to the beloved one, even if she/he does not deserve. This is how God loves us, in gratuity and generosity. This experience should lead us to do the same thing He does. 

     The essential for Jesus is to love God, loving also the neighbour. His admirable pedagogy made these two commandments even more accessible, advising that is enough we love one another as he loved us. Just as God has loved us in Christ, we must love from Christ. The one who loves in this way has understood the essential of the Low and of the life, because whoever follows Jesus does not follow a law or a doctrine but a Person.  
         Therefore, the unique criterion the Christians have to witness the love of God to the world is to love others as brothers. We love God when we give him the first place in our life, seeking firstly his Kingdom and his justice; when we are faithful in our daily prayers; when we participate attentively in the celebration of the sacraments. We show our love to the neighbour when we are able to feel compassion before the reality of sorrow and suffering of others and we are available to help them in their needs. In this sense, it was said about the first Small Christians Communities: “See how they love one another”. However it was possible only because they remained together in the love of the One who called them. This requirement is still valid in our days and it assures the vitality of our mission as Christians.

Fr. Ndega

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