sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2018


Reflection from Bar 5, 1-9; Phil 1: 3-6, 8-11; Lk 3, 1-6

        The liturgy of this Sunday continues inviting us to welcome the Lord who is coming to bring salvation to us. It is necessary to prepare ourselves in order we can receive the Messiah in any time. The Advent season helps us to recognise that the right preparation needs total transformation of the heart. The words of the prophet Baruch motivated the people in the Babylon’s exile, proclaiming the nearness of their liberation. After all that sufferings they could go back home Jerusalem with great joy because God remembered them and guided them in his light and glory. Paul recognises that the faith and communion of the Philippians are extension of the gospel which they received with enthusiasm and willingness. Through Jesus Christ and his gospel they can bear good fruits for the glory and honour of God.      
       The gospel speaks about John the Baptist whom was reached by the Word of God in the desert. In the bible, the desert is special place for the experience of the Word of God. In that place many people were transformed in strong leaders in order to lead the People of God according to his guidelines. John the Baptist is considered the last and the greatest of all prophets. The Luke’s version mentions priests and politics leaders in order to show that through his messenger, God enters in the concrete life of the people in a specific time. God doesn’t speak directly, but through good and bad events in the history of the people. God made himself one of us and continues with us in different ways. For that there is no event in the history without meaning. In order to show the vocation of John in the events of his time, Luke shows that the greatest event was very near. God enters in the history with very particular way and requests that the people should be prepared to welcome the Messiah whom was expected for long time.
The coming of John the Baptist has a great meaning and follows the plan of God who has right time for everything. His Word transforms the life of John in instrument of salvation. As John is link between the Old and the New Testaments, his mission announces that the time of the Messiah is near to start. He is only the voice which prepares the ways of the Lord. John prepared the people to receive the Messiah preaching and using the baptism. Through this sign, he proclaimed the divine mercy available for each person because it is plan of God that his salvation should reach all. So, the gesture of John was condition to pass from life of sin and dearth to grace and the new life of God. The important aspect in this action of John is that he baptized those who were in need of the mercy of God and repented their sins. John and that people believed that it is God whom forgives their sins.   
The Baptism of John is different of ours, but both are opportunity to live new life. For us Christians the new life is gift of Christ and result of his mission. The Christian baptism, besides the forgiveness of sins, guarantees participation in the life of the own God. The baptism is the first of the three sacraments of initiation followed by Chrism and Eucharist. Our baptism is external sign of the death to life of sins and sign of the resurrection in Christ who is victorious against the sin and the dearth. He is the true light, which enlightens each person. Through this process we become sons and daughters of the light in order to walk in the light of God each day of our life.
The Advent season helps us to prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Jesus. While the world of business advice the people to prepare themselves to Father Christmas buying something, Advent season proposes inner spiritual preparation and the effort for reconciliation with God and others. There are obstacles to remove with the help of the forgiveness of God. For that let us assume this good time to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation and to live in new way the relationship with God and others.

Fr Ndega

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