sábado, 15 de dezembro de 2018


“Youth, faith and vocational discernment”

      This guide aims to motivate us to read and study the final document of the Synod of bishops on young people that took place in Rome between 3rd and 28th of October. Before the richness of this content, we can say that we have in our hands a preciousness, “first for us”, according to Pope Francis. This document is divided into 3 parts, 12 chapters, 167 paragraphs and 60 pages. The point of reference, that is, the thing that guides all the text is the episode of the Disciples of Emmaus.


      Listen and see with empathy: the Synod emphasizes the value of listening. Everything starts from an empathic listening: young people wish to be listened to, recognized and accompanied with helpfulness and patience by pastors and qualified lay people.

     The diversity of contexts and cultures: it calls attention to the plural world and its changes. This, on the one hand facilitates life, but on the other generates exclusion and marginalization. It is necessary to recover the dynamism of faith. 

     A first look at the Church today: it talks about the educational commitment of the church that aims towards the integral formation of young people. Schools and universities have their task, but the parish must also rethink its pastoral action in order to be more attractive to young people.

     The newness of the digital environment: this is a pervasive reality which provides a net of opportunities, but also brings with it a dark side. We must enter into this reality facing courageously the relationship between faith and the challenges of this current time.

     Migrants as a paradigm of our time: this phenomenon presents itself in a multiform way. Many migrants are vulnerable young people, subject to all sorts of violence. The prophetic role of the Church is defined by Pope Francis with four verbs: “to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate”.

       Recognizing and reacting to all kind of abuse: to take the commitment seriously with truth and ask for forgiveness. Deal with this bad situation with strict decisions. The synod also expressed  gratitude and encouragement to those who had the courage to denounce.

    Family and intergenerational relations: it speaks about the family as a privileged reference, emphasizing the role of parents and the relationship between the generations. The focus here is on sharing of the faith and mutual help in the testimony.

      Body and Affectivity: recalls the changes that bring with them a certain permissiveness on these issues. The sexual morality of the Church is seen as a form of judgment and condemnation. We must propose an anthropology of affectivity and sexuality capable of giving the right value to chastity for the growth of the person in all the states of life. About the homosexuality, it is necessary to help young people to integrate the sexual dimension into their own personality, growing in the quality of relationships in view of the self-gift.

      Forms of vulnerability: this reality manifests itself before the lack of work - which decreases young people’s ability to dream – before the violence and the persecution, leading to marginalization. The synod makes an appeal to conversion and solidarity.

       Aspects of the current youth culture: it asks to appreciate the sporting activities of the young people, which carry in itself an educational, formative and inclusive potentiality. Music is  especially considered as a powerful evangelizing channel and a great pastoral resource, because it offers young people the opportunity to express their talents.

         Spirituality and religiosity: young people come from plural religious contexts and this results in profound religious research. They wish to meet Jesus Christ, especially through a living and authentic liturgy, in which the beauty of signs, the care of preaching and the participation of the community speak truly of God and are greatly appreciated.

        Participation and Protagonism: Young people want to be protagonists; they seek to be active in the evangelization of their coetaneous. They want a more authentic and fraternal ecclesial community where they feel integrated, can assume responsibility and are appreciated.


        A new Pentecost: The Spirit rejuvenates the Church and the life of every believer.

       Young Jesus among the young: it speaks of Jesus’ youth inviting all to fix their eyes on him. Consider that only from his gaze is it possible to obtain an authentic experience of God. The healthy disquietude of young people is a great gift. They are a “theological place”, that is, the place where God is present and from whom he speaks to the Church and to the world.

        Becoming an adult: it underlines the characteristics of youth age as the age of choice. It is our task to help the young people to live their existence under the sign of the mission with a pedagogy capable of questioning and of fascinating. We should offer them the true sense of authority and help them to set up their family relationships in an evangelical way.

      Called to freedom: the Gospel that the church announces is the Gospel of freedom. Christ does not take away freedom but frees it, i.e., He gives true freedom, the responsorial one, which cannot be lived without fraternity and solidarity, especially with the last ones of society.

          The vocational research: The concept of vocation is in close relationship with that of mission. Every life is a vocation and it relates with God. It is not a private asset to be managed on its own. Every baptismal vocation is a call to holiness. It is important to create the conditions for all Christian communities to develop a real vocational culture.

      The vocation to follow Jesus: The Life of Jesus remains deeply attractive and inspiring in this day and age. It is to all young people, a provocation that interpellate. Revealing the mystery of the Father and his love. Jesus also reveals fully the man to himself and expresses his very high vocation. In this sense the Virgin Mary, a young woman, is presented as a model for her ability to welcome God’s call and make his plans possible. 

           Vocation and vocations: the vocation and mission of the Church is communion with God and among all people. For this reason, she relies on the variety of charisms, which are the expression of his identity and gifts of grace that the Spirit continually raises in the Church to rejuvenate her. From baptism, we are all called to holiness in a logic of faith and gift to be lived in every choice of life that is made: marriage, consecrated life, ordained ministry, “single”, etc.

         The church that accompanies: exercising her maternal function, the Church is called to be present, to support and accompany the itinerary of the young towards authentic choices. Accompanying involves breaking the bread together and the first subject of this process is the  community, where the plot of relationships can support the person on his way and provide guidance. To this service, are called all significant people in the different areas of life of young people; this also comprises inclusion in the society.

         The accompanying community, group and staff: accompanying is a mission to be done not only on a personal level but also as a group. In spiritual accompaniment, one learns to recognize, interpret and choose in the perspective of faith, listening to what the Spirit suggests within the daily life. It motivates the frequency of the sacrament of Reconciliation, to assume responsibility and welcome the diversity as an opportunity for fraternal communion and mutual growth.

       Quality accompanists: The Deacon Filippo is presented here as a model: he puts himself at the disposition of the Spirit, finds a way to enter into a relationship, formulates questions that lead to a decision and get out of the scene with humility. In this sense, the accompanist must be a balanced person, of listening, of faith and of prayer, who is measured with his own fragility. For this reason, he knows how to be welcoming, correcting fraternally, without assuming possessive and manipulative behaviour. It is important to seek specific formation for this ministry.

        The church, the environment for discerning: discernment is the spiritual dynamic through which a person, a group or a community seeks to recognize and accept the will of God in the concrete of own situation. Along the history of the Church, this process has had a variety of meanings but with many common elements. It is never reducible to the individual dimension alone but it challenges the whole community that in the light of the Word listens to what the Spirit suggests through the spiritual experience of its members.

         Consciousness in discernment: consciousness is a privileged place of intimacy with God, in which his voice becomes present. In this sense, it does not refer to the “self-awareness”, but it certifies a transcendent presence. The formation of consciousness is a work of a lifetime and requires an inner care: silence, prayer, sacramental practice, Church teaching and good works.

         The practice of discernment: discernment is understood as a work of conscience and an authentic form of prayer. To each person in this process, familiarity with the Lord, the regular meeting with the spiritual guidance, sacramental practice, the disposition of the heart to listen to the voice of the Spirit and the willingness to put order in his/her own life is required. The responsibility for the decision is confirmed by the fraternal experience and the service to the poor.


        A young church: the image of the young Church that we dream of is that of Mary Magdalene, who inhabited by a deep love for the Lord, runs to the disciples causing their movement towards Jesus. The church wants to reach all the young people, walk with them and through them, listening to the voice of the Lord who asks us to convert our hearts and renew the structures. All young people, none excluded, are in the heart of God and are also in the heart of the Church.

          A constitutive dynamism: young people ask us to walk together in a continuous “synodal” process. Starting from this Assembly and the Final document, the Episcopal Conferences and the Particular Churches are invited to continue the process of discernment in a participatory and co-responsible way with the aim of developing specific pastoral solutions.

          A style for the mission: “synodal” is a style for the mission that urges us to pass from “I” to “we”, considering the different races, sensibilities, origins and cultures. It is required we appreciate the different charisms that the Spirit gives to all, avoiding clericalism and living the authority as a service. Should be in a “synodal” way also the ecumenical and interreligious dialogue: having Parresia in speaking and humility in listening.

          From structures to relationships: the need of walking together concerns not only the Church at Universal level, but above all the single communities. It demands movement from the logic of delegation to involvement. We must rethink the pastoral care of the parish and its structures in which authentic relationships are developed, favouring meaningful experiences in the lives of young people.

       The life of the community: Our communities are marked by diversity, a mosaic of many faces. This allows young people to insert themselves into social life, bringing in it the joy of the Gospel. In the Announcement and Catechesis, it is important to renew the commitment for the sake of languages and methodologies, but without losing sight of the essential: the liturgical experience through which young people grow in the sensitivity of Diakonia, finding in volunteering and service a way to meet the Lord.

       Pastoral Youth in Vocational key: The church is called to be a home for young people, characterized by a family atmosphere made of trust and confidence. As the vocation is the nucleus around which all the dimensions of the person are integrated, only in the vocational dimension can all the pastoral find a unifying principle. This is why the entire pastoral care of the Church must be carried out in a vocational focus, especially youth pastoral.

      Challenges to be taken: the digital environment – impregnating with the Gospel its cultures and its dynamics; migrants – to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate; women in the church - a courageous cultural conversion and change in pastoral practice; sexuality – proposing to the youth an anthropology that gives the right value to chastity, helping them to integrate the sexual dimension in their own personality; on the economy, politics, work - promoting and accompanying the inclusion of young people in this world; Intercultural contexts, inter-religious ecumenical dialogue - young Christians are called to unity, opening up also to young people of other traditions and maintaining with them authentic dialogues that foster mutual knowledge and healing from prejudices and stereotypes.

        In a world where everything is connected, it takes a new formative approach to unite the different dimensions of the person. Our presence in schools and universities must be meaningful in view of the integral formation of young people. It is necessary to appreciate the mission experience of youth investing with generosity, educational passion, prolonged time and also economic resources. In the end, the synod formulates three proposals to foster renewal: to perform formation moments of lay people, consecrated persons and priests together; to include in preparation for the priesthood or consecrated life a specific preparation concerning the pastoral care of young people; within a genuine discernment having the formative journey in an experiential and communitarian sense.

      The synod recalls that we are all called to holiness and only starting from this one vocation is possible to articulate the different forms of life. Young people need saints who form other saints, thus showing that “holiness is the most beautiful face of the church.” Even young people can teach us a lot about this. Through the holiness of young people, the Church can renew its spiritual zeal and its apostolic vigour. Young people make us return to our first love.

Fr Ndega
English Review: Mwalimu Mary Kung'u 

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