sábado, 30 de março de 2019


Riflection from  Lc 15, 1-3. 11-32

            We want to reflect about the parable of the merciful father. This parable shows the true identity of Jesus’ God and his special way of dealing with the sinners. This special way was revealed by Jesus, whom is called also “the face of the mercy of God, because everything in him speaks about mercy.” He narrated this parable because in that context, where he lived, some people considered themselves worthy of the salvation of God more than others, because their fidelity to the law. They decided to separate the people in two different groups, such as, the righteous ones and the sinner ones. This kind of approach is not accept by God because the criterion used is the discrimination. In this case, it becomes very difficult to create fraternity and to enter in communion with God, who welcomes everybody in order to save all.

As incarnation of God’s mercy, Jesus had very clear option as declared his opponents: “This man welcomes the sinners and even eats with them”. Thus, the identity of Jesus was clear even for the ones who made opposition to him. Jesus not only spoke about God’s mercy, but also used gestures of welcoming, confirming the finality of his mission and the authenticity of his teaching. In fact, many taxi collectors, prostitutes and others rejected by society felt themselves welcomed by Jesus and transformed by the meeting with God’s mercy. It is in this context that we can understand this parable narrated by Jesus.       

            According to Jesus, God is a Father who has different children and shares his gifts in equal way with all. He loves all and wants that all should feel in family, participating of his joy as Father. In this family, he offers care and protection so that all should have good reasons to remain always in communion with him. When somebody decides acting against him and to stay very far from him, it is not because he/she doesn’t feel loved by the Father, but it is because he/she feels free. It is like that the experience of the love of the Father: it generates freedom because is expression of his generosity, gratuity and freedom.

We feel ourselves very far from him when we act against him, that is, when we commit sin. God feels himself abandoned and betrayed by us, but doesn’t stop loving us. For that we feel remorse and the sure of his love motivate us to go back to him in order to recover the experience of communion which we had lost. The experience of the mercy of God helps us to know him better and to use the right discernment in our decisions. We celebrate this reality through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, that is, reconciliation with God, with others and with ourselves.

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation we celebrate the experience of returning to the communion with God, as “the prodigal son” did. This experience allows us to participate in the sacrament of Eucharist, nourishing the communion with God and others with more intensity. God makes us to feel really touched and embraced by his love of Father.  The own God tell us through the prophet Jeremiah: “You are my dearest son/daughter, the child I love best. Whenever I mention your name, I think of you with love (Jr 31, 20).”

There is another personality in this parable who neither feel himself son - because according to his own words, he is an employee - nor brother, because ignores his brother, the young one. He prevents the full joy of the father and the fullness of the feast. Being reconciled with God and with others are necessary conditions so that our Eucharistic experience should be true. We are in intense communion with God if we share his feelings in relating to others. The Eucharist will not reach its total finality while at least one brother/sister is still ignored in our midst. O Lord, we thank you for your word and the invitation to live in intense communion with you, who is so good. We are ashamed, because we have sinned, turning away from you, but bring us back; we are ready to return to you, Lord our God. Through the Holy Eucharist and Penance we want to intensify our relationship with you and to become instruments of your love and mercy. Increase our faith and revive our hope so that we may be motivated in our mission.  

Fr Ndega

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